5 Things You May Not Know About Us! {Make Up First ® School of Makeup Artistry}

At Make Up First ® School of Makeup Artistry we offer many perks that students may not even know about!

  1. We offer chair rentals for makeup artists/stylists: 2 hours, $25.00. To reserve a chair, simply contact the school, by phone or email. Screen Shot 2016-04-15 at 12.55.58 PM
  2. We even sell chairs! Find them HEREmst-690
  3. Current and former students can retake any class in our certification program for $25.00. ($75 if a model needs to be hired.) 20160301_makeup_first_classrooms_002
  4. At Make Up First ® Pro Shop, open to the public,  we sell more than 50 + brands, available here: https://makeupfirst.com/makeup-shop/  screen_shot_2016-04-04_at_2.49.53_pm Make Up First ® School of Makeup Artistry by INGLOT available HERE
  5. Current and former students who refer a student the School (and the student takes a class) will receive a $250.00 credit for any workshop held at Make Up First ®! Register for our upcoming workshop, ROY WOOLEY, HEREScreen Shot 2016-07-19 at 6.15.17 PM.png


For more information about our classes or products please visit our website www.makeupfirst.com or call us directly at 312-621-0801.

Make Up First ® School of Makeup Artistry is located 100 N. LaSalle Suite 1010, Chicago IL 60602